Sakal Chitrakala Drawing
Group | Age/Class Group | Topic 1 | Topic 2 | Topic 3 | Topic 4 |
A Group (अ गट – पहिली ते दुसरी) | 1st to 2nd | Shoe rack (चप्पल/बूट जागा) | Birthday cake (वाढदिवसाचा केक) | My pet (माझे पाळीव प्राणी) | Rangoli design (रांगोळी डिझाइन) |
B Group (ब गट – तिसरी ते चौथी) | 3rd to 4th | House of God (देवाचे घर) | My friendship (माझी मैत्री) | Metro (मेट्रो) | My room (माझी खोली) |
C Group (क गट – पाचवी ते सातवी) | 5th to 7th | Flower market (फुलांचा बाजार) | Bus stand (बस स्टँड) | Ganpati immersion procession (गणपती विसर्जन मिरवणूक) | Temple (मंदिर) |
D Group (ड गट – आठवी ते दहावी) | 8th to 10th | Dhol – Tasha squad (ढोल ताशा पथक) | Yatra – Jatra (यात्रा जत्रा) | Waste disposal (कचऱ्याची विल्हेवाट लावणे) | Petrol pump (पेट्रोल पंप) |
E Group | 11th to College Students | जंगल सफारी (Jungle safari) | गावाकडची जत्रा (A village fair) | भारतातील प्रसिध्द स्थळाला भेट (Visit to a famous place in India) | AI Technology and Humanity (AI तंत्रज्ञान आणि मानवता) |
F Group | Parents and Senior Citizens | A Lesson Learned in Life आयुष्यातील अविस्मरणीय अनुभव | Importance of Family and Friends कुटुंब आणि मित्रांचे महत्त्व | Message to Humanity मानवतेला संदेश | Importance of Ecology Conservation and World Peace पर्यावरण संवर्धन आणि जागतिक शांततेचे महत्त्व |

About Chitrakala
Sakal Chitrakala Drawing
Selected State Level
Winner's Drawings

Winner's Quotes

Every year I participate in the 'Sakal Chitrkala Spardha' and eagerly wait for it to particiapte in the next year. From past 3 years I have got the state level medal.

I'm a State Level winner for 4 times. This recognition has boosted my confidence a lot. Now I am sure about cracking Elementary and Intermediate Drawing exam in 'A' grade.

My parents have always encouraged me to enhance my drawing skills. Sakal Chitrakala Spardha is very special for me as I won my very 1st state level prize in this competition.

Ranking in Sakal Chitrakala Spardha was my first achievement. As a special child, it was a very proud moment for my family. It has motivated me to be the best everywhere.

I love drawing. I never will stop drawing, sketching and painting. My mother is my greatest inspiration. So to make her happy, I will surely grab the prize this year too.